Friday, September 17, 2010

Interview, Morgan Sun

(DM) What were some of the influences behind Dim?

(MS) I knew I was making a film for the film festival, and I had restrictions under 5 minutes, it had to be shot and edited in under a week, I knew I needed a strong script. Dim only has 2 characters, I had to take into consideration how many actors are in it, how many locations, there were few things I had to be cognizant of.

(DM) Where did you get the script, did you write it yourself?

(MS) No, I did not, there is a website online, a resource for filmmakers that I like to use, with consideration of my time constraints and the viability of a location and a cast size, I knew I needed a film I could flesh out and shoot fairly quickly. I found Dim and thought it was just perfect. I emailed the writer and asked him if I could make a film off of its script, he said yes and the rest just went from there

(DM) The actors, people you hired, friends? Where did you find the actors?

(MS) For dim, we went through several people, I asked a few friends of mine but no one was right for the part. Eventually my friend Byron suggested his cousin, who has taken some acting classes, I was a little nervous because of his lack of experience, but he read the part and ultimately it was a good fit

(DM) How about the older actor?

(MS) He is one actually one of my good friends fathers, I actually cast him in another movie in a similar role, and he was perfect for the villainous old man.

(DM) Where are the locations for the film?

(MS) The bathroom was actually the bathroom in the older mans house, I was thinking what spaces I was familiar with and it fit the mold for what kind of space I wanted. The bedroom is my room at home, I took down all my posters and cleaned up to look more mature and adult.

(DM) How did you feel when you won the Rutgers film Festival and went on to NYC?

(MS) I can talk about that for hours, the best way I can sum up the feeling was “This is it,” this is what I want to do, and the first place award solidified my belief that what I am doing is what I should be doing. New York was just amazing, although the film didn’t place there, just having it get that far, and seeing my name among other filmmakers felt like a major accomplishment.

(DM) Who would you say are some of your influences from the film world?

(MS) I like Hollywood, and all the big directors, but at my point in development I am looking more towards my peers and independent film, things that are more accessible to me personally. Twitter and social networking sites also provide a lot of material, I a firm believer in staying current with the latest technology.

(DM) I am excited to say some of your future projects and look forward to your thesis!

(MS) Thank you, Likewise!

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